Wednesday, April 22, 2020

It's A Small, Bear, World!
by UrsusMajr and Papa Werebear

(sung to 'It's A Small World')
(Warning!  Ear worm!)

It's a world of bulk,
It's a world of fur;
You can call them 'Cub'
You can call them 'Sir';
Their face they don't shave,
Their bodies, the same,
It's a small, bear world!

It's a bear world after all,
it's a bear world after all,
it's a bear world after all,
It's a small, bear, world.

It's a world of muscle,
It's a world of fat;
It's a world of ink
Hidden by fur mats;
Yes, they're really quite butch,
(But they're just a soft touch),
It's a gruff, bear world!

It's a bear world after all,
it's a bear world after all,
it's a bear world after all,
It's a small, bear, world.