Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Being the Bear

This is the second story we wrote together.  It is the sequel to Becoming the Bear, and you should probably read that story in its entirety before reading this one, since the characters and plot lines all flow from the first story.  Brown Bear Coffee House comes after these two stories in the sequence of our werebear stories.  Mack, and Mack II (still being written), are forks in the road, so to speak.  Same werebear universe, but many new characters and a different plot line, though you will recognize some old friends along the way.

Happy Reading!


  1. 'Mack II',eh? I look forward to reading it!

  2. That's just the tentative title, only a few chapters written, it's giving us fits!!

  3. Say if you are still writing, could you scatter a few werebears in North Dakota, lot's of isolated farms, farmers and a place lot's of bikers over winter since it's close to Sturgis. It get's lonely out here. :)

  4. You mean that, now that the Federal Mountain Removal Project is complete, we need a Bear Re-population Project? 8-) We will take the location under advisement. We do try to work authentic details into the stories, and neither of us has been to NoDak.... we will have to research!
